Ancol Beach

hi.. last month, me and my friends went to ancol just only for walking around,
it is very refreshing, if u want to run from a tired and hectic day, 
i suggested u to go to the beach, 

if you have a vacation to indonesia, especialy to Jakarta, i think you have to go to ancol.

ancol have a package of recreation. 

if u just only want to swim, it have a beach. my mom and my dad always go to ancol for swimming, they will went early morning, about 4am and go home at 7am. A lot people said that it is healthy if u swim ealy morning at the beach, the air will healing ur asthma and for old people it will make them still healtthy and excercise ur body.

if u want to have a culinary, ancol have a lot of restaurant. i especially recomemmend bandar jakarta to you. it serve a fresh seafood and some restaurant have a good direct view to ocean. u can propose ur girlfriend or just have a sweet dinner at that restaurant.

and ancol also have amusement park it called dufan. it have a lot of rides, from a very extreme to a ordinary one, who fit not only for a children but for adult too. 

ancol have a lot of recreation, u can check it in their website

at this blog i will give u the view at ancol beach,
because i just only go to the beach at that time, 
for the price to enter ancol, 15k per person and if u come with car u have to add 20k per car and 15k for motorcyle. if u want to go to another recreation it have to add some price, here the price list but sadly, they do not write the website in english, so i think it is difficult for tourist to understand it.

 this is me, i climb the tree.. hehe.. it's so refreshing, i rest at tree and see the ocean from here

 this is a fresh, sweet and cold coconot. yummy. only 15k per fruit

there is a rental boat. it will take you around the beach, i forgot the price, but maybe 50-100k per trip

 and here the rental boat at nite. so prettty. they decorate it with lamp.

 this is the view at afternoon

   this is the view when the lights is turn on. cool

it is cool rite. love it.


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