Run Run Run
oke. i will make a confession.
i am on a mission nowdays, kekeke not kind of a mission who need a good brain of course. LOL
and not a mission from my job or study too,
but a mission that i have to bear to make me more wise and mature person.
hahaha i make an excuse :p
the truth, my mission is running from my home. hahaha
me and my mom have a fight last week. sigh
and because i am kind of person who will prefer to make a long silent than angry (i dont like a noisy sound)
i prefer to run from home than figth with my mom.
this is my first time in my life i run from my home. LOL
it's my 6th nite.
the good news. i am still alive, still have money (kids, if u want to run from home, listen this aunty : 'u must have money!! because u cannot do anything without money, haha), jojo (my car) still with me, my smell still good even i doesnt take a shower for a days, bahahaha and i am in a good health even in my runaway i take an excercise (run twice this week, yeay!), that is why i am happy so far. ihiy.
the bad news, the story is not end yet, lol because i still running from home, LOL
oke, i want share some of my experience, so that, if u want to run, u can learn from my experience. hahaha
1. The most important thing that u have to get with u is MONEY
because without money, u can not do anything.
i run only with bag, handphone, wallet, car keys and my book.
because i was too emotional at that time, i dont have time to packing my clothes, i only grab anything that i see. LOL
as fugitive (fugitiveee... lol), i learn life in a wild world ALONE.
cie... drama.. LOL
2. HANDPHONE is as important as money, but without CHARGER its only a sh*t. sigh
this brainless girl forgot to bring her charger. but after that, i learn that a sophisticated electronic have a value only if i turn it on. sigh
and because that stupid mistake, i feel very lonely.
i can not contact my friends due that mistake and of course can not contact my family.
in my room hotel, i cried alone. T.T
i never feel this before.
even if i alone, doesnt use gadget, do nothing, etc but i never feel lonely because of that.
so that was the first time in my life i feel that i dont have someone that i can count on and cry on.
because that stupid charger. err
and the most painful from this stupid mistake is i have to pay the room hotel T.T
if i can call my friends, i can sleep in her house, err... that stupid charger !!!
after i coming home, i will burn it. sigh
3. Buy a cheap and useful thing
i am on a mission nowdays, kekeke not kind of a mission who need a good brain of course. LOL
and not a mission from my job or study too,
but a mission that i have to bear to make me more wise and mature person.
hahaha i make an excuse :p
the truth, my mission is running from my home. hahaha
me and my mom have a fight last week. sigh
and because i am kind of person who will prefer to make a long silent than angry (i dont like a noisy sound)
i prefer to run from home than figth with my mom.
this is my first time in my life i run from my home. LOL
it's my 6th nite.
the good news. i am still alive, still have money (kids, if u want to run from home, listen this aunty : 'u must have money!! because u cannot do anything without money, haha), jojo (my car) still with me, my smell still good even i doesnt take a shower for a days, bahahaha and i am in a good health even in my runaway i take an excercise (run twice this week, yeay!), that is why i am happy so far. ihiy.
the bad news, the story is not end yet, lol because i still running from home, LOL
oke, i want share some of my experience, so that, if u want to run, u can learn from my experience. hahaha
1. The most important thing that u have to get with u is MONEY
because without money, u can not do anything.
i run only with bag, handphone, wallet, car keys and my book.
because i was too emotional at that time, i dont have time to packing my clothes, i only grab anything that i see. LOL
as fugitive (fugitiveee... lol), i learn life in a wild world ALONE.
cie... drama.. LOL
2. HANDPHONE is as important as money, but without CHARGER its only a sh*t. sigh
this brainless girl forgot to bring her charger. but after that, i learn that a sophisticated electronic have a value only if i turn it on. sigh
and because that stupid mistake, i feel very lonely.
i can not contact my friends due that mistake and of course can not contact my family.
in my room hotel, i cried alone. T.T
i never feel this before.
even if i alone, doesnt use gadget, do nothing, etc but i never feel lonely because of that.
so that was the first time in my life i feel that i dont have someone that i can count on and cry on.
because that stupid charger. err
and the most painful from this stupid mistake is i have to pay the room hotel T.T
if i can call my friends, i can sleep in her house, err... that stupid charger !!!
after i coming home, i will burn it. sigh
3. Buy a cheap and useful thing
if u run like a bull who doesnt think just like me, buy a cheap and useful thing for ur runaway time. sigh.
i buy a jeans from forever 21 only 175.000 rupiah, piere cardin bra with a discon 50% (dancing), a comfie piere cardin underpants only 17.000 and a lovely stradivasirus shirt only 40.000 (the real price is almost 100.000 rupiah). God really love me and support my run. LOL
4. Always aware in every ocassion and every place
this is my suggestion to u, i never think that i will have a courage to live alone in the street before, or have a vision (LOL.... after assume my self as fugitive, i am a fortune teller now. hehehe) that i will in this situation before because i am a very good daughter (dont believe me!!!! LOL).
but i always aware for everything, in every hotel that i stay due to personal or job related, even i am not pay the price, i always know the information about the rate of room in the hotel near Jakarta, Palembang, Medan Singapore and little bit in Malaysia.
so that, when i was trapped in this kind of situation, i can recall every hotel that i know and suit with my finance at that time.
at my first day, i have to stay at hotel. still regret it. but i dont have a choice at that time.
i choose a budget hotel. there is a lot budget hotel in Jakarta, but u can not find it in agoda, they even do not have a website, some of the have a blogspot but didnt give information about rate, u have to call them to ask about the rate.
my budget hotel is 220.000 per nite, with a toilet and shower, TV, AC but they didnt give a breakfast, slippers, drink water, only a old towel. hiks. but their room is so big. it can fill up with 4 person, u can choose single or double bed.
anw, if u want to stay at jakarta for a longer time with family and friends, i think its more cheap if u stay at apartemen. rate for apartemen (2 bedroom, with kitchen, refrigenerator, toilet, accsess to swimming pool, AC, TV, etc) u can choose apartemen 400.000 per day. more cheap than if u rent room in hotel right. if u are instereting, u can see this website anw, they didnt pay me for this promo. hahaha
oke. the last and not forgoten experience that need an awareness is.....
u have to aware for every 24 hr restaurant or cafe and every part in the city which did not sleep.
i will give u a suggestion that place that never sleep : kemang, harmoni, thamrin, and senayan.
i never ask officer in ancol, but i think access to ancol is 24 hr too.
why u have to recognize this place ?
because in the darkness people sometimes lost their track and they will do everything to make their life safe. so that, u have to find a place that still crowded and have a lot light.
for this 2 day, i life at the street. sigh. the first day, my friends sleep away so that she can not open her apartemen for me T.T and today i back lately, i feel bad for my friend's father because coming to their home too late. so that here i am still at restaurant 24 hrs. sigh.
i find that every people i meet at the cafe and restaurant are nice to me, they didnt think anything bad about me, maybe because my clothes are casual and i look like a nerd university student who are studying. hehe
and every 24 restaurant or cafe is very cold. hiks. u have to use ur cardigan or u will die freeze.
that's it.
i dont know when this will pass
but i hope when i can pass it, i will become mature and have a lot lesson from this kind of situation.
and most of all, i will know where my future child go when he/she running from home.
dear kid, ur mom more smart and have experience this before.
so if we fight in the future dont run from home, do another smart thing to make me say
"oke, i am wrong, how we can fix it"
dont run from home if u dont have money and job that can support u
ps : dear friends, sometimes its hard for me to ask for help. i hope u can understand it. i cannot call, sms or tell u about my situation. but i do value our friendship. dont get mad because i didnt tell u yaaa :(
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